AWeber’s strict
Anti-Spam Policy below.
Anti Spam Policy:
Sending email to people who have not specifically requested it is “spam”. Aweber accounts may not to be used to spam!
Spamming is a serious offense that AWeber does not permit.
Abusive Usage Includes:
- Sending email to people who have not specifically requested information from you.
- You may not use email lists that are purchased, rented, leased, or in any way bought from a third party.
- Batching or in any way trying to script the addition of new subscribers to the web form subscribe methods.
- Sending unsolicited email through third parties that then references an account here either in the email or on a landing page of a website.
- Newsgroup or discussion forum postings to off topic newsgroups that prohibit those types of posts.
Service Agreement Violations:
Concerning spam, the AWeber Systems, Inc. Service Agreement reads:
\”Spamming, or the sending of unsolicited email, using an email address, URL that is maintained on an AWeber Systems machine or directing traffic to a web page that contains any reference to AWeber Systems is STRICTLY prohibited. AWeber Systems will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. This action WILL RESULT in immediate termination of your account without refund. Any service interruptions as a result of subscribers spamming will be billed to the subscriber at $50.00 per hour until service is restored. Subscriber will also be in violation of the AWeber Systems Service Agreement and subject to legal action.\”
AWeber’s Zero Tolerance Policy:
If an AWeber account is reported or caught violating these terms of service it will be immediately terminated. The customer will not be issued a refund, and will not be given access to any data in the terminated account.